
Welcome to the March issue of Pharmafocus! As the country enjoys warmer temperatures and sunnier skies at the beginning of spring, this time of year is always a time of growth and renewal and the pharma industry is no different.

This issue covers the latest news, from Rishi Sunak supporting a national screening programme for prostate cancer to a BHF Centre of Research Excellence being launched at the University of Manchester.

This month we present our first Leader in Focus feature (page 23), where Şeyda Atadan Memiş at Takeda UK reflects on her career and explains the importance of providing more support to get women into STEM.

We have an article on menopause and its impact on women both personally and professionally. Julie Missaggia (page 21) explores how workplaces engage with the symptoms of menopause, and how this can be improved.

We also have an article on improving health equity through market access in Europe (page 24), where Mike Ryan and Paolo Correale explain how pharma companies can best engage with EU regulations.

We hope you enjoy this issue and remember to look out for the next issue in April!

The Editorial Team