
Considering health inequalities and digital therapeutics

Welcome to the November 2023 issue of Pharmafocus!

This month’s issue includes the latest news from AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo sharing data from their phase 3 trial of a breast cancer treatment (page 7) to Moderna releasing clinical trial results for its combination flu and COVID-19 vaccine (page 7). Other news includes the FDA granting marketing authorisation for a DNA test for predisposition to cancer (page 11) and BactiVac providing an update on the development of bacterial vaccines to combat AMR (page 11).

Also in this issue we have an article from ICON that considers the role of digital therapeutics in clinical trials for central nervous system treatments, and also looks at how they can be used to improve clinical trials (page 14).

In September, the Samedan editorial team attended Gilead Sciences’ From the Margins book launch. Featured in this issue is my review of the book, which explores health inequalities from the perspectives of six individuals who experienced them first-hand and how they addressed these challenges (page 16).

As winter is definitely upon us now, I hope that you enjoy November’s chilly days and firework-filled evenings, and still find the time to relax with this month’s magazine!

Betsy Goodfellow