
Pharmafocus offers an overview of this year’s Veeva Summit EU, held in Zürich. We share insights from key figures in the industry, who enlightened us about the potential of digital clinical trials, and the importance of ensuring patient centricity.

5. Leaked data reveals NHS will miss target for 50,000 nurses by 2024
The government could miss its target by over 10,000 nurses, according to leaked NHS modelling, with figures showing that the number of unfilled nursing jobs is in fact rising.

9. New genetic eye disease discovered
Researchers have identified a new disease that affects the macula. This new type of macular dystrophy is a cause of central vision loss.

Georgios Tsatsaronis, Vice President Data Science Research Content at Elsevier, offers insight into what role data scientists play in developing new and innovative therapeutics.

Pharmafocus speaks to Paul Davis at GADx about the increasing importance of antigen tests in tackling future pandemics,

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