
European Parliament shares goal to tackle antimicrobial resistance

The European Parliament has shared its recommendations for a ‘coordinated EU response to health threats posed by antimicrobial resistance,’ according to its press release.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted 525 in favour of measures to control this threat, with two voting against and 33 abstentions. Following this vote, MEPs say that “the successful tackling of antimicrobial resistance requires the prudent use of antibiotics for humans and animals, good infection prevention and control measures, and more research and development into novel antimicrobials and alternatives to antimicrobials.”

It has also been agreed that if the above measures are insufficient then further EU-level legislation will become necessary.

EU countries are called on to implement and regularly update ‘National Action Plans’ to tackle antimicrobial resistance at least every two years, which is intended to become a priority for their national health systems.

Other measures include addressing antimicrobial consumption and support for research and prevention of medicines shortages, details of which are outlined in the European Parliament’s press release.

EU member states were expected to adopt these measures in mid-June 2023.