Words from the Editor

Hello again, Pharmafocus readers!
Thanks for tuning in – and welcome back to another issue.

We’ve got a particularly exciting issue for you this month, with Lina Adams and I joining forces to create a collaborative feature, providing a roundup of the recent Veeva R&D and Quality Summit we attended in Zürich. We touch upon many facets of R&D, including digital trials, end-to-end technology, data security, and patient centricity, and share insights from a number of the summit’s Keynote speakers.

In terms of news, we’ve got some further updates on monkeypox, as well as the exciting and recently published research into the origins of the Black Death. Looking more at infectious diseases, moving from medieval to modern, we’ve also got insights into the importance of testing in the midst of a pandemic, from industry expert Paul Davis, GADx.

There’s also the exciting news that a US cancer drug trial has appeared to achieve 100% remission in its patients. Turn to the front page to find out more about the small cancer trial, which appears to have cured every patient involved.

There’s more lined up, too – hear about the stigmas of chronic kidney disease in our Patient Experience this month, or turn to our back page to look at some promising areas of research in diabetes.

Join us next time for our September issue of the magazine, and enjoy your summers!

Ana Ovey