Issue Cover

Industry Insights

A deeper dive into the pharmaceutical industry


Epilepsy and brain health: a call for global action and unity

Rafal Kaminski from Angelini Pharma tells Pharmafocus about the global challenge of epilepsy as well as how his company is striving to bridge the gaps in epilepsy treatment

28 April 2024Industry Insights
Rare disease clinical trials: the urgent need for patients to be heard

Ahead of clinical trials day, Soraya Bekkali, from Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease, highlights the urgent need to elevate patients’ voices to accelerate rare disease innovation

28 April 2024Industry Insights
Psychedelic medicines and the treatment of neurological conditions

Rob Conley from Beckley Psytech tells Pharmafocus about the use of psychedelic medicine for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological conditions, and how this field could develop in the future

28 April 2024Industry Insights
Psychoactives in mental health treatment

Kabir Nath from Compass Pathways explores the need for new treatments in the mental health space, as well as assessing whether psychoactives could be the way forward

28 April 2024Industry Insights
Compliant connections: making instant messaging work for biopharma field teams

Sebastien Noel from Veeva Systems considers the potential benefits and drawbacks of messaging services for HCPs as well as explaining Veeva’s own platform, which combats these issues

7 April 2024Industry Insights
Gen AI and pharma: the future is now

Alex Devereson and Delphine Zurkiya from McKinsey consider the value of generative AI in the pharma industry

7 April 2024Industry Insights
International Women’s Day remains a key platform to keep inspiring inclusive, innovative healthcare

Frances Ramsay from InnoScot Health discusses the way forward in closing the gender health gap

7 April 2024Industry Insights
Reducing unintended pregnancy rates: how innovation in contraception can drive generational change

Dr Charlotte Owens from Organon explores the impact of innovations in contraception and how this can reduce unintended pregnancy rates

7 April 2024Industry Insights
Next generation treatments and clinical trials for non-small cell lung cancer

Professor Tobias Arkenau from Ellipses Pharma explores the need and potential for next generation treatments as well as the global need to keep improving the clinical trial structure and landscape

4 March 2024Industry Insights
Bridging science and data: a new era in cancer clinical trials

Dr Gen Li, president at Phesi, considers patient enrolment and retention in clinical trials, with a focus on oncology trials and the challenges facing them

4 March 2024Industry Insights
Community pharmacies need more support to deliver Pharmacy First scheme

Santosh Sahu at Charac considers the NHS’ Pharmacy First scheme, it benefits and the barriers to its implementation

4 March 2024Industry Insights
The landscape of blood cancer treatments in the UK

Pharmafocus speaks to Gilead Sciences about the current treatments available for blood cancers and how they are likely to develop in the future

4 March 2024Industry Insights